Hi Alex, congratulations on your promotion. Did you expect this before the split?

All the players are or were at a very good level. We therefore assumed that we would be promoted to Division 4. Even though it was certainly bumpy at times, we can be very satisfied with our first split together.

Let’s take a look at the team. How would you describe the cooperation and working atmosphere in the team?

Every player is very ambitious and driven. We are all very similar in our goals, which has allowed us to develop a very pleasant team atmosphere. As a result, constructive cooperation was a matter of course. Everyone, including the coach and manager, contributed to this.

When you look at your own performances. Are you satisfied with your performance or were there also lows in the split? How did the team support you when things didn’t go to plan?

I am very happy with the split. As a team, we achieved our goals and I was also able to improve a lot. The team was a very important support. As we all believe in each other’s abilities, it’s much easier to deliver better performances.

You and everyone else are also part of the esports player foundation. How are you supported individually and as a team?

Individually, each of us players can rely on a very comprehensive package of support that goes far beyond in-game coaching. For example, sports psychology support or nutritional advice are important factors that offer us players a great deal of help. In turn, offline events organized by the esports player foundation are an additional motivator to always give our all.

What can the DIV 4 junglers look forward to in the upcoming split? Is promotion only possible via the DKB Diamonds RAW?

We still have a long way to go and there is still plenty of room for improvement. The 4th Division junglers can definitely expect an even stronger DKB Diamonds RAW. We want to show that we are the best team in the 4th Division.