We support talent in esports
The esports player foundation is a not-for-profit institution that focuses exclusively on the development and well-being of esports talent and top performers. Our wide range of services supports all components of a professional career as an esports player. Access to our resources is free of charge for the talents. However, the talents commit themselves to work purposefully on their career and to stand up for our values: performance, respect and fair play.
Access to our support modules
An individual service package is put together for each of our talents on the basis of several discussions between the talent and the support coordinator. Every talent’s requirements of the esports player foundation are different. Not only do the different titles pose challenges for our support, but personal needs also require individual solutions.
Our service package is dynamic and, in addition to the primary performance factors such as in-game coaching, sports psychology support and hardware support, includes further offers to improve performance in the game. Together with the sponsored talents, we regularly evaluate the current support measures and make adjustments.
We don’t just aim to develop sport-related skills. Talents from the esports player foundation impress with their strong personalities and strength of character. We support the players’ personal and career development through workshops, regular mentoring and boot camps.
Celebrating successes together
Through our sustainable promotion, we support talented esports players on their journey to become the best in the world. Esports players play on the biggest stages in the world and reach millions of people. We are proud and happy to be able to play a small part in this through our work! Comprehensive packages are put together from over 100 support modules.
Every sponsored talent tells their own story. Esports is a competitive sport that includes episodes of defeat and challenges. These stages are also part of talent development and are accompanied by us.
Responsibility for your career
Together with our partners from politics and business, we take responsibility for the careers of our talented individuals. We attach great importance to the education of those we sponsor and support them with tutoring at school, internships, careers advice and more.
In competitive sport, there is no guarantee of success or a secure income. That is why we are working with Deutsche Bahn, among others, to implement dual careers that combine esports with a solid apprenticeship or dual study program. As part of the Life support module, we offer support for the career afterwards in particular.