League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is a highly popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that was developed and published by Riot Games. In this game, two teams of five players each compete against each other with the goal of destroying the opposing team’s base, called the Nexus. Players take on the roles of unique champions, each with their own skills and play styles, and work together to overcome the opposing team’s defenses and strategically control the map.

The game is played from a top-down perspective, where players navigate their champions through the three main paths at the top, middle, and bottom, and the jungle area in between. During the game, players gain gold and experience by defeating enemy units and structures, which they can use to buy items and improve their champions’ abilities. Communication and teamwork are crucial in League of Legends, as players must coordinate their actions, develop strategies, and make tactical decisions to outsmart and outmaneuver their opponents. With its competitive nature, diverse selection of champions, and constantly evolving meta, League of Legends offers a challenging and dynamic gaming experience that has captivated millions of players worldwide.

Head of League of Legends


Sebastian Schaar

  • Nickname: Sebi


Charalampia Giannopoulou

  • Nickname: delicate
  • Role: Support

Cihan Mustafa Yaldiz

  • Nickname: upSett
  • Role: Top

Henri Wurster

  • Nickname: R4GN4X
  • Role: Top