Equal eSports achieves global reach

The success of the Equal eSports talent promotion can be measured not only by impressive figures, but above all by the global reach we have achieved.
While millions of impressions are an important indicator of the success of our application campaign, the focus for us is: How many talented players have applied and from which countries do they come?

Over 300 applications from 34 countries

We were very pleased to see that our call for applications met with a broad response.
Over the past four weeks, more than 300 talented individuals from 34 countries and three continents have applied for our 12-month scholarship.
This international participation underlines the success and relevance of our initiative.

Equal eSports reaches talents worldwide

Three years ago, we launched the Equal eSports initiative together with Deutsche Telekom with the aim of addressing and promoting players from a wide range of countries.
The fact that we are now receiving applications from countries such as Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Morocco, Algeria, Israel, Estonia and North Macedonia confirms that our vision has become reality and that Equal eSports is of global relevance.

Next Steps

Now the exciting process of selecting the talents who will take part in the upcoming talent camps begins.
We are looking forward to supporting 22 selected talents intensively for a year and accompanying their development in esports. You can find out more about Equal eSports here:https://www.equal-esports.com/https://esportsplayerfoundation.org/talentfoerderung/equal-esports/https://www.schroederschoembs.com/news/deutsche-telekom-startet-equal-esports