A comprehensive development program for esports talent

Deutsche Bahn is setting new standards in talent development: with our unique DB Esports Scholarship, we offer young esports talents everything they need for a successful career.
In the dynamic world of esports, it is becoming increasingly important to promote talent not only in terms of sport, but also holistically.
Our DB Esports Scholarship is designed to ensure this comprehensive support.
The scholarship is more than just financial support.
It offers participants access to intensive boot camps that allow them to develop their skills under professional conditions.
In these bootcamps, the talents work closely with experienced coaches who provide them with valuable insights and strategies to succeed in the highly competitive environment of esports.
But that’s not all: weekly in-game coaching sessions ensure that the talents can continuously work on their skills and improve their performance.
These coaching sessions are specifically tailored to the individual needs of the participants and offer customized training plans to maximize their strengths and work on weaknesses.
In addition, the scholarship holders receive sports psychology support to develop mental strength, which is just as crucial in esports as technical skills.
The mental pressure in competitions can be enormous, and our experts help the talents to deal with stress and perform at their best even under difficult conditions.
Another key component of the DB Esports Scholarship is the provision of state-of-the-art hardware.
In an industry where technical equipment can make a crucial difference, we work with our suppliers/partners to ensure that our talents have access to the best equipment available.
This enables them to reach their full potential and compete at the highest level.

More than just esports: holistic support for a secure future

But the DB Esports Scholarship offers far more than just sporting support.
Our trainees also benefit from a comprehensive support program that covers all aspects of their lives.
This includes the provision of free housing.
We know that a stable and secure home is an essential foundation for success and therefore ensure that our talents can concentrate fully on their development without having to worry about financial or logistical issues.
Intensive, personal support is another cornerstone of our program.
We want to ensure that our talents not only grow athletically, but also personally.
Our mentors are there to support the scholarship holders in all aspects of their lives, be it in relation to their sporting career or their personal development.
This holistic support is designed to offer the participants the best possible conditions for their success.
In addition, our trainees benefit from free travel on Deutsche Bahn.
This not only allows them to travel flexibly and attend various events, but also facilitates access to the boot camps and other important appointments.
This support helps to ensure that the talents can use their time efficiently and concentrate fully on their career.

Why a dual career in esports is essential

A dual career in esports is essential – and the DB Esports Scholarship makes it possible.
In traditional sports, the dual career has proven to be a successful model: It offers not only sporting success, but also a solid foundation for a professional future.
A stable environment is crucial for talents to develop their skills and at the same time build on secure career prospects.
In the esports industry, the challenges are more complex than ever before.
While sporting success is paramount, long-term security must not be neglected.
A dual career offers just that: it allows talented individuals to realize their sporting dreams while building a solid professional foundation.
The DB Esports Scholarship is designed to support this dual career.
It creates an environment in which the talents can grow not only athletically, but also professionally.
The combination of intensive sporting support and extensive support in other areas of life ensures that the talents are optimally prepared to be successful both in their esports career and beyond.

New standards in the promotion of esports

Thanks to Deutsche Bahn, we are setting new standards in the promotion of esports and offering our talents the best conditions for a sustainable and successful career with the DB Esports Scholarship.
This scholarship is not only a step towards sporting excellence, but also an investment in the future of our talents.
With a comprehensive support program that covers all aspects of life, we ensure that the talents are not only successful today, but also tomorrow. You can find out more about the esports career at Deutsche Bahn and the esports player foundation scholarship here:https://db.jobs/de-de/esports-11092734https://esportsplayerfoundation.org/db-esports/https://www.deutschebahn.com/de/presse/pressestart_zentrales_uebersicht/Zocken-mit-Zukunft-DB-foerdert-Esports-Karriere-mit-Stipendium-fuer-Nachwuchskraefte-11199290