The first offline game of the 2nd division of the Prime League

What a journey!
Our team, DKB XPERION NXT, has fought its way to the top of the Techniker Prime League table with an impressive performance.
The offline premiere against the ROSSMANN Centaurs was a moment we all won’t soon forget – a strong performance that catapulted us into first place two matchdays before the end of the main round.

Our way to the top

When we think back to the Spring Split, we know how tough sixth place was for us.
But instead of letting it discourage us, our team pulled together and came back all the stronger.
Now, unbeaten for seven matchdays in a row, we are proud of what we have achieved together.
It’s just incredible to see how our hard work and team spirit are paying off.

Focus on the playoffs

It’s been a long road, but the real challenge still lies ahead of us.
There are two matchdays left in the main round and we know how important it is to keep our nerve now.
Our goal is clear: we want to take this form of our players into the playoffs to make our dream of winning the title come true.

The secret of DKB XPERION NXT’s success

Our success is no coincidence.
It is the result of close cooperation, a clear strategy and an unwavering determination to get the best out of ourselves.
Every single one of our players is prepared to continue to give their all to achieve great things together.
It is this human element that defines us and the unique synergy that our training staff has with the team.
Everyone here fights for the team and believes in one goal – to win, together. You can find out more about DKB XPERION NXT here: