Esports or profession?
With the Xantaro IT-Trials you can do both!

A year has passed since Lasse Lorenz was faced with an important decision that many young people are familiar with: Should he devote himself fully to his passion – in his case, esports – or choose the supposedly safer route and head straight into a career, training or studies?
After careful consideration, Lasse opted for a unique middle way, made possible by the network consulting company Xantaro.
This allows Lasse to combine his passion for esports with a promising professional future in the IT industry.
Thanks to the support of the Xantaro IT Trials, Lasse not only gained valuable insights into the world of IT, but was also able to further develop his skills in esports.
Today, one year later, Lasse is firmly convinced that this decision was the right step for his professional development.
The Xantaro IT Trials not only gave him an absolutely successful start to his career, but also showed him that it is possible to pursue his dream and build a promising professional career at the same time. Lasse Lorenz’s story is the best example of how young talents can realize their full potential through targeted support and the combination of esports and career. Xantaro as well as we as esports player foundation are proud to be part of Lasse’s journey and continue to support young esports talents to realize their dreams combined with a strong start into their professional life.  More about Xantaro and Lasse Lorenz, his adventures and experiences, here in the interview: