We look back

The third year of the Equal eSports Initiative was characterized by impressive successes and significant developments.
The talent camps and the Equal eSports Festival have once again demonstrated the importance of supporting and providing a platform for up-and-coming talent.
In this article, we take a look at the highlights of the past year and recognize the remarkable progress our talents have made.

Talent camps and festivals: a look back at major events

The third year of our Equal eSports initiative kicked off in August with an outstanding talent camp in Bonn.
50 promising young talents from all over Europe gathered to get their hands on one of the coveted 22 scholarships.
Despite the fact that 28 talents came away empty-handed, the response was overwhelming.
The talent camp not only offered an unforgettable weekend, but also a valuable opportunity for networking and personal development.
Shortly after the talent camp, the Equal eSports Festival took place, which once again attracted a record number of visitors.
Three of our sponsored talents celebrated an outstanding success when they won the first Equal eSports Cup with SK Gaming.
This achievement underlines the quality of the support and the impact of our initiative on the esports sector.

Code of Conduct: A step towards fairness and safety

Another important milestone last year was the publication of the Code of Conductwhich was published in October by the Equal eSports Council initiated in October.
This code ensures that fairness and respect have top priority in our community.
The introduction of the Code of Conduct demonstrates our commitment to prioritizing values and safety and acting as a role model for other initiatives.

Bootcamp in Austria: New skills and personal development

After a short winter break, a boot camp took place in Austria, which lasted seven days.
During this intensive training program, our talents had the opportunity to challenge habits and learn new skills.
This boot camp was another step in our ongoing mission to foster the development of our talents and prepare them for their next challenges.

Successes and awards: A year full of sporting highlights

Our talented players were also able to celebrate sporting successes last year.
Three of our sponsored players took first place in the Storm Takeover and Pathfinders tournaments with G2 Hel. Two other talents won the Coupe des Etoiles with Team GO Aurora.
These successes are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our talents and reinforce the reputation of the Equal eSports Initiative as a supporter of first-class esports players.

A big thank you to all supporters

The third year of the Equal eSports Initiative was characterized by many positive memories and significant progress.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the enablers and talents who push themselves to new heights every day.
Your support and commitment are crucial to the continued success and development of our initiative.

You can find out more about Equal eSports here:https://www.equal-esports.com/https://esportsplayerfoundation.org/talentfoerderung/equal-esports/https://www.schroederschoembs.com/news/deutsche-telekom-startet-equal-esports